Matt Ahern, February 2013, with beard and dog. Photo by Timothy Lefkowitz
Creative Healing for People and Planet:
Matt believes in the power of creativity to heal our bodies, our lives, and our planet.
To put it bluntly, Matt has visualized a world where we are completely in love, and is actively working with people like you to achieve it.
The healing of our planet, and our bodies and souls is a mutually evolving situation. And the message Matt has recived is clear:
As we heal ourselves, the “world” follows us.
The whole concept is supported by science and spirituality (these are not mutually exclusive) and Matt has been fortunate to have experienced and watched many people unfold the negativity and hurt in their lives and transform themselves into co-creative conspirators of peace for this planet. Are you ready? Click here for updates.
Matt’s work as a healer, teacher and artist embodies this evolution towards peace on Earth. His basic understanding is that you have an inner and outer role to play as you walk this Earth. The inner can be described as our internal struggles and our personal challenges we are faced with, such as illness, accidents, relationships, and our emotions. The outer role can be described as our purpose(s) that you bring to helping others while you are here such as your occupation, a family responsibility, work of art or writing, or volunteerism.
It works like this: As you go through life’s daily challenges, you learn about your inner role and you convert your “not so productive” behaviors to more productive ones. You learn where your main problems lie, such as in anger, or fear, or addiction, or a combination, and as you learn to master your challenges, by bringing light to them and transmuting and transforming them, you make room for your outer purpose to shine through creating a positive legacy of your time on this planet.
We cannot see all the aspects of what is happening in any situation, and this is where we learn trust. The answer is to focus on what you can do, what you can change, and trust that your ability to know peace in your heart and succeed at what you came to Earth to do are all about noticing where you are in it all, and choosing into what you can do right now to make things more peaceful for you. To really Love yourself and then watch the world Love itself as a result. Join Me.
Matt has worked through his inner healing of addiction, asthma and artist’s block(see below) and arrived at making music and assisting others in their own healing, and in their creative projects which are helping people and the planet in some way.
If you have questions or want to set up a session in person or anywhere in the world with Matt, contact him here.
Matt Speaks:
“I’ve seen first hand how you cleaning up your life makes you a more effective friend and family member… making a deeper and more
profound impact while enjoying life more.
Imagine the ability to make choices which reliably unfold a future you can be proud of, feel
connected to, and which help others at the same time.
Really, close your eyes for just 30 seconds and see yourself the way you know you can be, doing that thing your heart is calling you to do.
If you are tired, stuck, or ready to step into the shoes you know were meant for you, connect with me.
I help you take the road less travelled for a more magical and impactful life.
Get Updates from me and see if some of the things I write resonate with you.”
Matt’s Story:
“I grew up a very sensitive boy in a robust Texas family. I know they didn’t quite understand me, and I know I didn’t quite understand them. But, my parents raised me to respect all people, and even though my exposure to diversity was limited, I still got a rich experience of life. I was in the country a lot, at a majestic ranch on the Rio Grande River. I swam in that river often, and saw Mexicans on the other side. I was also in the Texas Hill Country and in South Texas where we hunted dove and quail.
In the neighborhood I lived in, as I got into middle and high school, I noticed changes in how my peers acted towards each other and towards other people that bothered me. I got into drinking and doing drugs in High School, and looking back I know now that I was both trying to numb out the problems around me and reaching towards something that made me feel alive and connected to something larger.
After College at the University of San Francisco, where I really got into art, artists, diversity and saving the environment-and also where I got heavily involved in altered consciousness, I wanted to help Save the World, but by my late 20’s I was having trouble saving myself from drug abuse. I had started a business that sought to Organize San Antonio’s sustainability community , called Echotown, which was reasonably successful, and started a recording studio where we helped about 100 artists over 3 years. I ended up closing both to focus on my own healing.
I had been diagnosed with heart problems by that time, and had suffered asthma and a generally compromised immune system my whole life. The heart problems really woke me up. As I left the heart doctor, where I was told that the heart would never heal, I drove straight to an alternative book store, and re-started my quest to become healthy and whole again. It worked.
7 years later, my breathing is fine with maybe an inhaler puff a couple times a year, my addiction troubles are behind me, and my heart has held steady and has not needed any intervention by my doctor.
What I’ve learned about the body, the mind and the soul, are the same thing I knew from my time in the environmental community: If you clean it up, it can heal. Now, I’ve navigated my connection to the One, the Universe, and have discovered basic rules, and guidance that really help.
Now, I teach and lead people to heal in a variety of ways. Through art, music, my blog, and through classes and one-on-one sessions the, people who I touch are my reason for being here. If I can help you, just ask.”
Matt, late July 2013
Matt’s BIO:
Matt Ahern has a Bachelors Degree in Communication from the University of San Francisco, has trained extensively with author and healer David Elliott, and has practiced and taught the yogic arts for many years. He writes and plays songs, makes short films, designs and builds gardens and natural landscapes, and teaches “right living” in a variety of formats including classes, private sessions, and group sessions. He is from San Antonio, Tx, and lives in and around the southwest United States.