Artist’s Way Teleclass: Healing and Growing Your Creativity
The Artist’s Way Class will help you develop yourself as a creative being towards selling more art, taking risk, starting a business, and discovering and nurturing your life’s purpose.
If you’ve tried it before, and not finished, then this is a way to commit and have support and guidance from an experienced teacher and artist.
We have a tele class(conference call once a week on Tuesdays at 9pmCST), a private/closed Facebook group where we can share and discuss, and for signing up, you will get one private session with Matt for an additional $45( a $90 value). The cost is $50 per month.
Pay your monthly charge for the class by the first class of that month:
Artist’s Way Teleclass: Whole Class: $150
Artist’s Way Teleclass: Monthly: $60
Artist’s Way Teleclass + Private Session (phone or in person breath work): $185